Saturday, July 4, 2020

Learn an ultimate guideline on how to spread topsoil

How to spread topsoil

If you don't know the tactics of how to spread topsoil, it will be quite difficult for you to make for healthier plants and a more beautiful lawn. The topsoil has a high density of roots as the plants here take of their necessary nutrients.

Spreading the topsoil can be done with a shovel, push spreader, or wheelbarrow. It all relies on the size of your project. So, applying the right amount of topsoil will help you maintain your plan. However, you need to know how to spread the topsoil before you start.

How to spread topsoil: step by step

Spreading topsoil is complex, with a significant aspect of errors. But it can be broken down into the basics of choosing the right materials for the job and sharing the topsoil evenly.

Expanding a topsoil layer to your lawn is called top-dressing, and it is a technique for you that can use to enhance the look of your grass.

However, which can be done using everyday materials like wheelbarrow, shovel, push spreader, or rake. An essential aspect of the consciousness process is material selection.

Wrong materials and chemicals can make a person sick, but they can also ruin an entire garden. A few alternatives to topsoil will not work, and there are lots of rookies -mistakes that should avoid.

Various tips to assist you in getting started:

  • Decorate the garden to remove any stones or more solid objects that are not included.
  • Topsoil is mainly used for lawn, but compost is primarily used for gardening. It is possible to apply fertilizer and topsoil together in a garden. It will act as a super-driven soil that will enrich the garden.
  • Do not damage existing grass or yard. The topsoil is just that - it’s the soil at the top, so don’t make the density so thick that water can’t enter the original layers.

A gardener is nothing but tools, so let's check the best recipe for topsoil, depending on the garden's purpose and the tools required to spread it.

Find the right tools for the job

Leaving the topsoil doesn't have to be a daunting task.  Before started, use the following items to spread and apply the topsoil:

Small Area (Home Garden):

Hand Tiller/Fork, Rake, Planting Hoe, Shovel, Hands

Medium Area (Large Yard):

Rolling Aerator, Larger Topsoil-Specific Rake, Wheelbarrow, Mini Push Spreader

Large Area (Golf Course):

Pull behind Spreader, Special Golf Course Machine, Landscape Rock Rake (5-feet wide)

Spread the topsoil

You now have all the tools and equipment needed for the job, so now it's time to spread the topsoil:

For small areas:

It's easy to toss the topsoil mixture around the hand garden, even in a fixed place. Use small tools to spread the topsoil or thicken the layer.

For Medium areas -

For more significant landscapes such as a 1-acre yard, the best tools to use are a mini push spreader or a rotating aerator, which will help spread the topsoil quickly. Fill it, keep the spreader forward at an average walking speed, and let the topsoil fall to the ground. Use them to spread grass seedlings or to make compost easier to spread.

For larger areas -

Those who own a large number of multiple properties that claim dozens of acres will need equipment to match the size of their work. Buy a full-size push spreader or invest in something like landscape rock.

Considerations of spreading topsoil

When you add topsoil to your garden or lawn, you have to drive it with a dirt rake and remove any large stones or debris. Then use a hybrid soil that does not contain a large ratio of clay or sand, and both have a pH level of 5.5 to 7.

After that, spread your topsoil when it is dry to relieve your work pressure. If you want to raise the fertility of a garden with sandy soils without adding a deep layer of topsoil, you can mix 1 to 2 inches of argument into your existing topsoil.

It will improve your garden's fertility without the cost and effort of spreading a new layer of topsoil.

Recommended depth for topsoil

General Gardens:

For most plantations, you need about 8 inches (200 mm) of topsoil for this kind of herbaceous boundary.


Topsoil itself needs four to six inches (100mm-150mm) to define the roots of a newly laid lawn.


The depth of soil you need depends on the type of plants you are growing. Surface crops like tomatoes, coriander, and beans will be happy with a six to eight-inch (150 mm-200 mm) topsoil. Still, primary vegetables like parsnips, carrots, and potatoes will need twelve to sixteen inches (300 mm - 400 mm).

Pros and Cons of Topsoil 


  • Great for creating new gardens
  • Great for leveling out a lawn
  • Helps eliminate weed


  • Have to buy

Final thoughts

Spreading topsoil is extremely important to make plants healthier and helps to grow more plants. Always select the best topsoil and persevere in supplying adequate ventilation and nutrition to the soil.

Moreover, that will help to allow for lovely lawns and lots of gardens. Finally, you understood how to spread topsoil for your yard or garden.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)


What is the proper way to spread topsoil?


It wholly depends on your project. You have to make sure that the top-dressing is preferable ½" or less over the existing grass.


How much topsoil do I need to grow grass?


Well, seeds, sod, and plugs all need at least 4 to 6 inches of good topsoil.


What is the best topsoil for grass?


Scotts 1.5-cuft Lawn soil is the best topsoil for grass. Here it grows grass up to 50% thicker and gives essential nutrients. Great for all kind of seeding, sod, and plug projects.


Spreading topsoil is an essential part of a big lawn and garden care. Want to know more about how to spread topsoil then read this entire article.



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